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Monday, August 29, 2005

English IV Syllabus

1st 9 Weeks

Writing Lab

Materials Needed:

Blue, black, or purple ink pens.

Liquid Paper

A paperback dictionary (optional)

Pack of college-ruled notebook paper.

Your brain.

Five clip folders.

Ries’s Class Resource ( : I have a website for my classes. Everyday, I will post whatever homework is assigned, so now you will have a place to double check your assignments. You may also send me emails at the following address: .

n-class Journal: On any given day, I will require you to write a journal entry on a particular topic of my choosing. It will be due at the end of the period. Fridays will most likely be journal days.

News Writing: You will write learn the techniques of news writing and write several news articles of varying types.

Essay Writing: You will write an in-class essay on a topic of my choosing. The essay will be written in stages. This assignment will be broken down over several days; each day involving another part of the essay. Then we will write one or two drafts depending on need until it is time to write up a final draft.

Toast: You will write a three-five minute toast to your best friend and deliver it to the class as if your friend were here.

2nd Nine Weeks

Poetry: We will study the following works of poetry from British origins with a focus on meaning and the elements of poetry:

“To the Virgins to Make Much of Time” Robert Herrick
“The Tyger” William Blake
“When I Have Fears” John Keats
“Sonnet 30” William Shakespeare
“Sonnet 116” William Shakespeare
“Holy Sonnet X” John Donne
“I Wandered As Lonely as a Cloud” William Wordsworth
“Porphyria’s Lover” Robert Browning

Beowulf by Anonymous
Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Colerige

I may add and subtract from this list as I deem necessary. You will keep an in class notebook on the poetry and our discussions. There will be several writing assignments, quizzes, and tests on the material, including the elements of literature.

3rd Nine Weeks

Film As Literature: In the first half of the nine weeks, we will study four films. After viewing each film, you may have a quiz or have to write a paragraph about the movie. We will explore elements of literature that exist in the films. Then we will spend three days discussing the film. On Thursday, you will have to write an essay or take a test on some aspect of the film or class discussion. The films chosen to watch are as follows:

· Class Choice (okayed by me)
· The Matrix
· Unbreakable
· The Green Mile

You will also keep a notebook on our discussions of the movies. It must follow the usual format.

Exploring Shakespeare: In the second half of the nine weeks, we will study the life of William Shakespeare and Macbeth, all of which is in your textbook. We will read it aloud in class, and you will keep a notebook on our studying of the text. When we complete our exploration of the text, you will be required to write an essay and take a test. Details on both of these assessments will be forthcoming.

4th Nine Weeks

In this nine weeks, we will study several short stories and finish by reading the novel, Lord of the Flies.

Short Stories:
“Sredni Vashtar” Saki
“Araby” James Joyce
“Rocking Horse Winner” D.H. Lawrence
“The Destructors” Graham Greene

We will focus on the authors’ biographies and the elements of short stories. You will keep a short story notebook. In addition to the notebook, graded assignments will include quizzes, essays, journal entries, and tests.

Lord of the Flies: We will read the novel, and you will keep a notebook. You will be given a study packet from which I will take several quizzes. At various times, you will be assigned journal entries that address the themes of the book. The final assessment will be a test.

Attendance and Grading:

Ries Points: Each day you are in my class, you will receive +1 Ries Point just for showing up. If you come to class unprepared, however, (no pen or paper or book) your Ries Point will not be awarded that day. At the end of the nine weeks, Ries Points will be added to your grade total as bonus points. If you have a medical absence, you will still receive your points. You will also receive Ries Points on the days I am absent. Ries Points cannot be made up.

In-class Writings: For each in-class writing component, you will receive a 25 point grade as a bonus. If you are absent and not medically excused, you will lose the 25 point bonus though you will be able to make up the assignment.

Make-up Work: If you are absent, you are responsible for your work. You must come to me upon the day of your return and ask about what you missed. I will give you your assignment and tell you when it is due. If you come to me two or more days after your return for your assignment, you will not be able to make up the work.

Bonus Points: At various times throughout the 9-week period, you will have opportunities to gain bonus points above and beyond Ries Points. However, remember, bonus points are a privilege and may be taken away at any time if I find it necessary.

Vent Day: Every two weeks, Friday will be Vent Day. We will have a guided discussion about what is on your mind. On those days, you will receive Ries Points and a 25 point grade as a bonus. You must be here to reap the rewards of this opportunity.

Words, Words, Words: In any writing you do in this class, if you use a word I believe to be exceptional, I will reward you with 1 bonus point on its grade.

The contents of this syllabus are not set and may change at any time at my discretion.


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